
Do you love and appreciate your customers?

Marketers seek brand love, but do they love their customers back?

I’ve been speaking with a strategist of late about the idea of brand love, what some think is the strongest emotion a consumer could have with a brand. So, of course, companies want consumers to love their brands. Yet, how many love their consumers?

Going back to a past post, Peter Drucker in his book, “Management,” talked about the fact that a business doesn’t exist without its customers. Sounds obvious, right? But how often are we grateful for and focused on our customers vs. getting distracted by other aspects of the business?

A lesson is learned - don’t judge your customers!

I remember when I was at Clorox and participating in a consumer research ethnography training. Our instructor shared a story of a Hidden Valley Ranch consumer whose family each week went through 2 large Club size bottles (36 oz a piece), and everyone in the room groaned, passing judgment as if this wasn’t a healthy choice for her family. The instructor paused and replied, “Are you kidding me?! You should love this person! They love your product, and here you are judging them!” Great point. It’s a lesson that has stuck with me for years.

So I ask, do you love your customers?

Are you grateful for them? Do you keep them front and center when making business decisions? Are you thinking about their needs on a regular basis as you consider product improvements, a complete experience, or your marketing programs?

Be grateful for your customers. Love them, and they just might love you back.


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Brand, MarketingKathy Oneto2019