
Should executives have a co-working space?

I loath to use this term, but I think every executive should consider having a “work cave.”

We all know that it can be helpful to get out of the office—have a change in environment to change one’s perspective. But how often are we able to accomplish this? How often do we give ourselves the time to step back, think, and reflect?

I think having a “work cave” away from the office can be valuable.

And I don’t mean in your home or at a coffee shop. Yes, if those are the only places you can find or afford, great. But you might want to consider a co-working space or a members club. For just a few hundred dollars a month, you can have a space that can give you space… to think, plan, prioritize, and more. Perhaps this getaway environment will help you get real work done, as well, since most office environments today put up so many impediments to actually doing work. It can also give you space to bring co-workers, your team, and outside partners, allowing them to get out of the office and into a new environment, as well.

I know it might seem luxurious and frivolous, but test it out some time and see if it works for you. I believe a change in environment and having a place for “executive time,” if you will, can be valuable and reap huge rewards.


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